Congo/ Violence against women: Brazzaville students and high school girls raise awareness

Published on 27/11/2023 | La rédaction


On November 24, the Executive Secretariat of the Women's Consultative Council organized a talk-debate on the elimination of violence against women for students and high-school pupils in Brazzaville.

The meeting brought together human rights players in general and women in particular. It enabled members of the Executive Secretariat of the Women's Advisory Council to listen to and note the various cases of violence and the difficulties encountered by young girls.

To help convey the message, a theatrical performance on violence against women was given by the Agora troupe. The actors used simple words to portray the daily problems of Congolese families, while explaining the content of the Mouébara law.

The event was organized as a prelude to the November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

" The executive secretariat thought it appropriate to organize a talk-debate around a play. This activity precedes an awareness campaign, the results of which will be the subject of a report ", said Executive Secretary Antoinette Kebi.

Participants took the opportunity to denounce the ills they regularly encounter. Some proposals were also made to the government and civil society organizations.


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