SENEGAL -SOCIETY / Bakel: closing of awareness-raising days on violence against women

Published on 27/11/2023 | La rédaction


On Saturday, the Bakel Adolescent Counseling Center (CCA) and the local network of father educators brought to a close an awareness-raising program on violence and other harmful practices against women, after two months of exchanges with the population.

The Greenpalais neighborhood (Bakel) was chosen for the closing day of social activities after two months of talks and home visits in the neighborhoods of the town of Bakel.

"We have eleven clubs, and each club is made up of ten girls. Each neighborhood in the commune has a club. In each neighborhood, we had to make 4 VADs and 3 talks over a two-month period to raise awareness in households about violence against women, forced marriages, early pregnancy and female circumcision", declared Cheikh Thiam, IEC (information, education and communication) of Bakel.

He was speaking at the end of a summary of their activities financed by GRDR (Groupement de Recherche et de Développement Durable). The meeting was attended by the district delegate, the Bajenu Gox, local resource persons and several young girls.

Mr. Thiam explained that these were "taboo subjects in this society" and that the CCA was trying to help eradicate the phenomenon in Bakel.

According to the organizers, the activity, which took place in the Bakel commune, will be extended to other communes in the department.


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