France/The commune of Éauze and the gendarmerie sign a cooperation agreement

Published on 21/11/2023 | La rédaction


An important document was signed on November 6, 2023 at Éauze town hall: a cooperation agreement between the municipal police and the gendarmerie.

Signatories: Laurent Carrié, Prefect of the Gers, Patrick Mathé, Public Prosecutor at the Agen Court of Appeal (1), Gendarmerie Colonel Sébastien Mahey, Commander of the Gers Gendarmerie Group, and Michel Gabas, Mayor of Éauze.

Speech by Michel Gabas

Michel Gabas emphasizes the need for a partnership between the mayor and the state services. The town's security has been improved thanks to a video-protection system installed in 2013. The republic and democracy are not empty words. Vigilance is required to preserve their foundations, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

Speech by Patrick Mathé

The agreement will enable us to intervene more effectively in local offenses such as domestic violence.

Speech by Laurent Carrié

The Prefect emphasized that security is everyone's business. The agreement will increase cooperation between partners by better organizing it. The aim is to create a security production chain. Not forgetting the protection of elected representatives.

What's involved?

The municipality has 3 - and soon 4 - security guards. Article L512-4 of the French Code of Internal Security stipulates that "whenever a municipal police force has at least three municipal police officers (...) an agreement for the coordination of municipal police and State security force operations is signed with the local authorities.curité de l'État est conclue entre le maire de la commune, (...) le représentant de l'État dans le département et le procureur de la République territorialement compétent".

Éauze's municipal police force currently comprises 3 officers (2 police officers and 1 ASVP).

In addition, a coordination agreement is a prerequisite for arming a municipal police force, and for allowing it to work between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. (excluding legal exceptions: static guarding of communal buildings, surveillance of ceremonies, festivals and celebrations organized by the commune).

The mayor's policing powers

Article L. 2212-2 of the French Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales (CGCT) defines the powers of mayors in terms of municipal policing. Under the authority of the mayor, municipal police officers are empowered to record and punish, by means of a procès-verbal, report or fixed fine, all offences for which they are responsible.The mayor is in fact the representative of public order, and is responsible for all matters relating to public order. The mayor is the representative of the State in the commune, and as such has the status of judicial police officer.

Municipal police missions

Public tranquility and good order: as part of its traditional missions, the municipal police force is responsible for preventing public disorder before offences are committed. Thanks to a constant presence in the field and a good knowledge of the city and its population, this activity aims to preserve peaceful social relations, prevent the feeling of insecurity in the community, and promote the development of a culture of peace.s, prevent feelings of insecurity, contribute to the well-being of residents and protect them from nuisances of all kinds. In particular, this activity involves combating noise pollution and disturbances, monitoring public gathering places, preventing squatting, combating aggressive begging and preventing the consumption of alcohol on public highways. It also contributes to the smooth running of festive, sporting and cultural events, etc.

(1) The Gers public prosecutor was appointed on August 31, 2023 in the Dordogne, and his replacement will not be appointed until the end of November 2023.

N.B. - In the photo at the top of the page, deg. Colonel Sébastien Mahey, Prefect Laurent Carrié, Mayor Michel Gabas and Public Prosecutor Patrick Mathé.


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