Morocco/Taounate: Inauguration and launch of development projects on Independence Day

Published on 18/11/2023 | La rédaction


A series of social and development projects were inaugurated and launched in Taounate on Friday to mark the 68th anniversary of Independence Day.

In the commune of Khlalfa (Taounate circle), provincial governor Saleh Daha presided over the launch of construction work on the 15.77 km road linking regional road 509 to douar Tijda, at a cost of 26 million dirhams.

On this occasion, two other projects were also presented to the governor concerning the construction of the road linking the center of the commune of Zrezar to regional road n°5323, passing through several douars over a length of 5.45 km, with an estimated budget of around 10.3 million dirhams.

There is also a 6.46 km stretch of road between Route Nationale No. 8 and Douar Bsabsa in the commune of Oulad Daoud (cercle de Tissa), at a cost of around 10 million dirhams.

These road projects are part of the Fès-Meknès Regional Council's contribution to the program to reduce spatial and social disparities in the region.s disparities in rural areas, with the aim of opening up the rural population, facilitating the movement of people and goods, and promoting the region's economic and social development.

In the town of Taounate, the Governor, accompanied by Moulay Ibrahim Othmani, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mutuelle générale du personnel des administrations publiques (MGPAP), presided over the laying of the foundation stone.sidé la cérémonie de pose de la première pierre du projet de construction de l'unité administrative et sociale de la MGPAP.

The project, which is being carried out as part of a partnership between Taounate province, Taounate provincial council and MGPAP over an area of 219 m2, has a budget of around 1.234 million dirhams.

The project comprises a first floor comprising a treatment room, administrative offices, a waiting room and a reception desk, and a second floor comprising the director's office, a dental treatment room, an archive room and a waiting room.

This project is part of the drive to improve and diversify administrative and social services for MGPAP members.

The provincial governor also presided over the handover of the keys to 7 ambulances purchased by the provincial council for the communes of Beni Ounjel, Tafraoute, Sidi M'hamed Belhassen, Kissane, Ouled Daoud, Sidi El Abed, Tahar Souk and Bouadel, at a total cost of around 2.5 million dirhams.

This initiative is part of the efforts being made by the Taounate Provincial Council, in partnership with various partners, to bring health services closer to citizens, improve health provision and strengthen the province's ambulance fleet.

Mr. Daha also presided over a ceremony at which HM King Mohammed VI awarded royal wissams to several civil servants.


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