France/Agglo d'Agen: reindustrializing the region and focusing on the green economy

Published on 18/11/2023 | La rédaction


The local authority has been selected by the French government for a scheme that brings together private and public sector players, manufacturers and elected representatives, to develop low-carbon innovations and skills.

Reindustrializing France is one of the government's ambitions. In 2018, it launched a decentralized reconquest plan, selecting territories where private and public sector players, industrialists and elected representatives are to cooperate. The second phase of this plan (2023-2027) saw, on Thursday November 9, the selection of the Agglo d'Agen among the 183 territories that will benefit from this scheme. The good news was presented on Wednesday November 15 at the Agglo headquarters. The plan, Agen Industrie, is headed by Olivier Grima for the Agglo, and Fabien Haas of Total Energie Biogaz.

Behind TAG, the entire Agen region will benefit from the project

Four main challenges have been defined by the French government: accelerating the ecological and energy transition, turning territories into innovation ecosystems, developing skills and mobilizing suitable land. Underlying this action plan is the decarbonization of industries, while the State will provide the newly-labeled Agglo with a complete toolbox in terms of engineering and investment.

Agri-food and pharmaceuticals

This label will enable "a strengthening of local leadership and engineering through the creation of a new generation of project managers, co-financed by the State and the intercommunal organizations.Florent Farge, Secretary General of the Prefecture, pointed out, as well as support for productive industrial investment."Two major sectors are concerned: agrifood, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, as well as logistics and renewable energies," explained Frédéric Péchavy, President of the CCI.

While it is clear that the TAG (Technopôle Agen Garonne) will be the "flagship" of this development, along with the La Serre incubator, the entire Agen region will benefit from the project. Olivier Grima mentioned companies such as De Sangosse and Curia among the industries that will be supported in adapting to climate change, resource scarcity, soaring energy costs and decarbonization.


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