Congo/Health: raising public awareness of diabetes

Published on 18/11/2023 | La rédaction


A scientific morning to raise awareness of diabetes was held on November 14 at Loandjili General Hospital, to mark World Diabetes Day.

Raising awareness among the general public and healthcare workers of the epidemiological, diabetic and therapeutic aspects of diabetes, as well as its complications, was the aim of a day organized on the theme of "Access to diabetes care".was the aim of a day-long event organized around the theme of "Access to diabetes care".

The event brought together medical and non-medical professionals, the Loandjili General Hospital's Medical Affairs Department, the Metabolic and Endocrine Diseases Department and the Loandjili and Mongo Mpoukou health districts. Presentations focused in turn on diabetes prevention and information, and the quality of care provided. These presentations and discussions will make a significant contribution to improving the knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals in the management of diabetes ", said Sidonie Plaza. said Sidonie Plaza, General Manager of Loandjili General Hospital, who gave a presentation on quality and risk management in healthcare.

At the end of the morning's two sessions, participants recognized that diabetes is a serious pathology, with neurological and cardiac complications posing a real public health problem. All these complications can be resolved, according to the speakers, through regular physical exercise such as sport, medical treatment and patient care.

Diabetes is a chronic, non-communicable disease. According to the World Health Organization, 24 million adults in Africa live with the disease. In the Congo, the prevalence of diabetes is 7%.

Free diabetes screening sessions will be held on November 18 at Loandjili General Hospital, Mongo-Mpoukou IHC and Mbota Etraba IHC as part of the prevention and response to this pathology.


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