Belgium/Brussels government to spend $10.5 million on energy-efficient renovation of municipal buildings

Published on 17/11/2023 | La rédaction


On Thursday, the Brussels government approved 10.5 million in subsidies for 17 Brussels communes to renovate their buildings. The aim is to support local authorities in carrying out energy-related work such as re-roofing, insulating or replacing windows.

More than half of Brussels' greenhouse gas emissions come from energy consumption in buildings. In fact, Brussels' buildings are among the most energy-intensive in Europe. Municipal buildings are no exception," explained Bernard Clerfayt (DéFI), Brussels Minister for Local Authorities. To support local authorities in carrying out energy-efficiency work, the Region has launched a call for projects with a 100% subsidy rate, with a maximum amount of €400,000 per project.

Old, energy-hungry buildings

"Our schools, homes and libraries are often old, poorly insulated buildings that consume a lot of energy. This grant should help municipalities to reduce their energy consumption and support an initiative in favor of the environment", commented the Brussels minister.

A total of 17 communes submitted 68 projects. Of these, 37 were selected for a total of €10,440,469. These included the complete renovation of the Maison des Artistes in Anderlecht, the replacement of window frames at the Clair-Vivre school in Evere, the insulation and greening of roofs at the crècheche Reine Fabiola in Jette, the replacement of windows at a sports center in Saint-Gilles and the installation of a new heating system at the Mésanges school in Watermael-Boitsfort.


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