France-Collioure/ Summer season: the Municipality takes stock with shopkeepers, craftsmen and all players in the local economy

Published on 17/11/2023 | La rédaction


Around a hundred people crowded into the cultural center to listen to the presentation and commentary on the statistical results for the summer season, presented by Guy Llobet, Mayor of Collioure, in collaboration with Dominique Fabre, Director of the Office du tourisme de la culture et de l'animation, in the presence of numerous elected officials.

Town Hall, Collioure.- The mayor then went on to discuss the economic problems associated with this activity, the festive and cultural events organized by the municipality throughout the year, the improvements underway and future prospects.He also outlined his vision of the relationship between the municipality and commercial entities, which is more necessary than ever to promote and collectively support this economic activity, which is the commune's primary activity.

They were also able to discuss the various possibilities for contractual relations with the municipality, each in line with the respective competences of the parties.

Analysis of the various problems encountered was also raised and discussed, in particular that of seasonal workers.

The municipality also announced the organization of end-of-year events, which promise to be rich in content.

The mayor also announced that, during the Spanish "Purissima " festivities on December 8, 9 and 10, parking at the station parking lot will be free of charge.

This interesting and positive working session ended with a cocktail reception, during which the various speakers were able to talk to each other over a glass of friendship. Many thanks to all participants.


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