France/ The Régions de France want to play a key role in the installation and transfer of farmers

Published on 16/09/2023 | La rédaction


At the Space trade show in Rennes, France's regions expressed their expectations for the future agricultural law.

With the next law on the future and orientation of agriculture due to be examined by Parliament before the end of the year, the Association des Régions de France took advantage of the Salon international de l'élevage in Rennes to express their expectations.

On Thursday September 14, 2023, Loïg Chesnais-Girard, President of the Brittany Region and chairman of the association's agriculture commission, called for recognition of the role of the regions in the policy of setting up and transferring farmers. He hoped that the principle of co-piloting would be enshrined in future legislation. We'll be making sure that the specifications for the installation process are regionally adapted. It would make no sense to have a single rule for the whole country, given the diversity of our regions", explains Loïg Chesnais-Girard.

The Régions de France also voiced their commitment to the livestock industry. Announcing the launch of a cycle of reflection and consultation, and the establishment of an observatory of regional policies in favor of livestock farming.


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