France/Instruction relative à l'accompagnement des collectivités pour la réparation des dégâts et dommages contre les biens des collectivités résultant des violences urbaines survenues depuis le 27 juin 2023 (in French only)

Published on 08/09/2023 | La rédaction


Since June 27, 2023, urban violence throughout France has led to extensive damage to public property, particularly that belonging to local authorities.

The purpose of this instruction is to clarify the system of State liability that applies in such circumstances, as well as to specify the conditions under which local authorities can benefit from State support to cover the cost of repairing the damage caused, once the compensation has been paid by the insurers.s can benefit from the State's support in covering the cost of repairing the damage caused, once compensation has been paid by insurers.

A dedicated fund will be created under program 122 of the "Relations with local authorities" mission, to help finance the remaining costs after insurance. This fund will be allocated by the departmental prefect in the form of investment grants, in accordance with the conditions set out in decree n o 2018-514 of June 25, 2018 on state grants for investment projects.

Communes, their groupings, départements and regions are eligible for the fund for damage caused to all community assets.

Legislation will be passed before the end of the year to allow the fund to intervene under conditions that derogate from the provisions of article L.1111-10 of the French General Code of Territorial Authorities (CGCT), which stipulates a minimum participation of 20% by the project owner. In this respect, it should be remembered that any insurance indemnities paid to the local authority are to be considered as part of this contribution by the local authority or institution in charge of the project.

Please find attached the instruction for download.


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