Guinea/Dubreka: Impacts of drug use the focus of a conference at Lycée-collège Younoussa Le Bon Sylla

Published on 20/03/2023 | La rédaction


Drug use is taking on worrying proportions across the country, particularly with the new variety called Kusch, which has claimed the lives of several young people. As part of the fight against the scourge, an information and awareness conference was organized in Dubréka in the prefecture of Dubréka.

It is the Lycée-collège Younoussa Le Bon Sylla which served as a setting for the conference of Thursday, March 16, 2023, whose theme is "Youth and drug use: health and security impacts," reports the Guineematin correspondent based in the prefecture.

It was on the initiative of the school's officials that this conference was organized in this establishment where a student in 10th grade was being held.It was on the initiative of the school officials that this conference was organized in this school where a student in 10th grade recently died as a result of consuming a variety of drugs called Kusch.

Indeed, the phenomenon is growing. And it must be stopped to avoid the worst. It is to bring the students, potential consumers of the drug, to abandon this practice which harms health and deteriorates the conscience that the conference was organized. It is also a way to invite those who are not on this path not to do so.

All the dangers related to the use of drugs were developed and explained by the speakers who came from hospitals and the police. The students who attended the conference showed their interest in the topic.

Tidiane Koulibaly, the principal of the high school-college Younoussa Le Bon Sylla, congratulated and thanked the cultural committee of his school which has done everything possible to organize and make this meeting a success. He said he was reassured that the students will change their behavior as a result of this conference.

During the debates, a rather embarrassing question was asked by a student. That of knowing why some agents of the security services, in charge of repressing this plague, consume drugs. In response, the speaker, a policeman, said that the army trains, but does not educate. This is also another problem.


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