Morocco/Rabat: International seminar on the history of the Supreme Judicial Courts of French-speaking countries

Published on 18/03/2023 | La rédaction


The work of an international seminar organized under the theme "History of the Supreme Judicial Courts of French-speaking countries" opened Thursday at the headquarters of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) in Rabat, under the chairmanship of the First President of the Court of Cassation, President Delegate of the CSPJ, Mohamed Abdennabaoui.

This seminar, initiated by the Court of Cassation in partnership with the Association of High Courts of Cassation of the countries sharing the use of French (AHJUCAF), will discuss, for two days, the conservation and enhancement of the judicial heritage as well as several aspects relating to places of justice, judicial rituals and major historical decisions of each national court.

This meeting of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of French-speaking countries examines the judicial memory of these Courts and is based on several axes, including the major decisions and the history of these Courts," saidThis meeting of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the French-speaking countries examines the judicial memory of these courts and focuses on several areas, including the major decisions and the history of these courts, "said the Deputy First President of the Court of Cassation, Mohamed Namiri, in a statement to the press after the opening of the seminar.

This event, he added, is also an opportunity to shed light on all other aspects of this rich history, including social and political.

For his part, the president of the AHJUCAF, Victor Dassi Adossou, stressed that the Association is holding in Morocco its seminar which will deal with the history of the Supreme Judicial Courts in countries sharing the use of French.

This meeting is an opportunity to focus on the evolution of justice over time, especially at the level of the Supreme Courts, he said, noting that the judges of last resort who decide disputes at the highest level of the judiciary, meeting in Rabat, will be able to discuss the history of the Supreme Courts of Justice.He noted that the judges of last resort who decide disputes at the highest level of the judiciary, meeting in Rabat, "want to question their respective countries on the organization that was in place in pre-colonial time and colonial time to better understand what is done today.

This history, he argued, allows "to better position ourselves in our respective countries to better build and construct justice which remains the fundamental pillar of the rule of law.

At the end of the opening of this seminar, the audience followed a documentary focused on the memory and history of justice in the Kingdom, while tracing its evolution over time.

Les participants ont visité, par la suite, le Musée de la Magistrature marocaine, qui devrait être disponible sur le web, où sont exposées, entre autres, la tenue officielle que portaient autrefois les magistrats de la Cour suprême (actuellement Cour de cassation) pendant les premières années de sa création, the current dress of the magistrates of the Court of Cassation during the formal hearings, the office tools of the First President of the Supreme Court (currently Court of Cassation), as well as the constituents of the office of the Mountain Judge, in addition to written acts on wood and photographs inherent in key events in the history of this High Court.


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