France/Legé. A twinning alive and well with the Galicians

Published on 16/03/2023 | La rédaction


The president, Michel Gobin, says he is happy to see such enthusiasm in the group and would like to welcome young people who would like to join the members.

The association is preparing for the twinning festival, scheduled for November 11 and 12, in Machecoul, with the German, English, Spanish and Romanian twinnings. A delegation from As Neves will be welcomed in the families of the area.

After two years of health blockage, from August 17 to 22, 2022, 38 people from the canton of Legé finally met their Spanish friends in As Neves. A beautiful region bordering Portugal. For twenty years now, families from here and there have been exchanging their customs and culinary recipes. Thus, at each festive animation, the association makes taste tapas, pasteles, albarino or queimada. It will be the same during the break between the two films projected, Saturday, March 18, for the Spanish movie night in the room of the cultural center Saint-Michel, in Legé.


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