Algeria/National solidarity: The care of homeless people aims at their family and social reintegration
The Minister of National Solidarity, Family and Women's Affairs, Kaouthar Krikou, said Monday in Algiers that the program of the sector in the field of care for the homeless aimed to reintegrate this category in its family and social environment.
During an inspection visit to Diar Errahma Birkhadem, the Minister explained that the program of the Sector of National Solidarity in the field of care for the homeless included several measures and procedures, and aims primarily to "reintegrate this category in its family and social environment.
Ms. Krikou stressed that as part of the care of vulnerable categories and people in difficult social situations, the services of the ministry are working to implement the national program to ensure the care and support of these categories, theaccompaniment of these categories, such as the homeless, through the Directions of Social Action (DAS), in coordination with local authorities, relevant sectors and civil society.
In this context, she recalled the efforts of the sector of National Solidarity for the care of homeless people, whether at the level of accommodation centers in institutions under the sector, or by social support through theThe Minister also recalled that the sector's objective in this area is the family and social reintegration of this category.
The Minister also recalled that the sector has launched a digital platform to report the cases of homeless people who are in the street to take care of them. Thus, a listening cell has been installed at the headquarters of the Social Development Agency (ADS), including representatives of proximity cells, including psychologists, sociologists and doctors, to receive reports of cases recorded.
On this occasion, Ms. Krikou went to the headquarters of ADS in Birkhadem, where she inquired about the progress of the work of the cell of listening responsible for the registration of reports.On this occasion, Ms. Krikou visited the headquarters of the ADS in Birkhadem, where she inquired about the progress of the work of the listening unit responsible for recording the reports of cases of homeless people via the digital platform and the steps taken in this operation.