DRC/Beni: adoption of the city's development plan

Published on 08/12/2022 | La rédaction

Congo DRC

The development plan for the city of Beni was signed and adopted on Monday, December 5, by numerous authorities and social actors, including mayors, civil society leaders, and leaders of women's and youth associations. All these people took part in the elaboration of this plan.

According to Jean-Paul Kapitula, coordinator of civil protection and focal point of the local development plan in the city of Beni, the implementation of this very first guide for the city since its creation twenty years ago, and which will serve for five years, must be the prerogative of all given its importance.

"Planning poorly is planning to fail and planning well is planning to succeed. So because we have been working for a long time without planning, the authority could do this and that and people could not give importance to the actions of the authority. But as soon as there is planning, that is already what I would call an agreement with the population. Everyone knows who does what with what and this allows for a common acceptance of what has been achieved. There will no longer be an irredeemability. That is why I give a capital importance to this document" , he explained.

For Jean-Paul Kapitula, now that the city of Beni has its development plan, citizens and administrators must work together to implement it:

"It is not necessary that on one side of the shore we have the populations and on the other side of the shore we have the authorities. This document puts us in the same boat. If we have to capsize, we will capsize together. If we have to land, we will land together.

Source: www.radiookapi.net

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