Guinea/Mandiana : Representatives of 9 prefectures take part in the Forum of the youth of Upper Guinea

Published on 06/12/2022 | La rédaction


Like other natural regions of the country, the Youth Forum of Upper Guinea opened in Mandiana on Monday, December 5, 2022.

The meeting, chaired by the governor of the administrative region of Kankan, brought together regional inspectors and prefectural directors of youth, youth structures, local elected officials and executives of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. It will revolve around the challenges that beset this social layer at the crossroads in our country, reports through its correspondent based in Kankan.

This meeting of exchange and sharing of three (3) days, initiated by the department of supervision, is part of the establishment of the National Youth Council of Guinea (CNJ-G). It includes nine (9) prefectures of the two administrative regions of Upper Guinea.

The Advisor in charge of youth and socio-educational activities at the Ministry of Youth recalled the objective of organizing these forums in the four regions of the country. "The objective is to approach young people and officials of the deconcentrated services to exchange with them on issues that concern the integration and development of young people in our prefectures. It is with this in mind that we took the initiative to organize these forums. We have finished with the youth of Middle Guinea and Forest Guinea. Today, we are launching the forums of Lower Guinea in Telimele and Upper Guinea in Mandiana. This initiative is part of the search with partners and youth leaders for solutions that bring hope to young people and to the whole country, because the country cannot develop without its youth. We therefore felt that it is by coming to the field to exchange with them in a participatory dynamic that we can find the best solutions," said Seny Damba.

Several topics, including those promoting the process of establishing the National Youth Council of Guinea, will be discussed during this regional meeting. This is the precision brought by Ibrahima Kalil Kourouma, National Director of Youth and socio-educational activities at the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

"The establishment of the National Youth Council of Guinea is a priority objective of the Minister of Youth and Sports, who has also firmly instructed us to involve all authorities so that this activity is truly successful. That is why the youth have been invited from all the prefectures composing the two administrative regions of the natural region of Upper Guinea here in Mandiana, so that together we can exchange during three (3) days on three (3) priority axes. The first axis concerns the establishment of the National Youth Council of Guinea; the second axis, since we are going through a transition, how to think, how the youth can participate in an inclusive and peaceful transitionAnd the third axis will of course be reflections on a strategic document that we wanted to call the National Youth Policy...".

Presiding over the ceremony, the Governor of the administrative region of Kankan expressed his delight at the choice of his jurisdiction to host this forum and the positive impact it will have on youth. "On behalf of the population and all the regional, prefectural and communal authorities of Upper Guinea, I express my gratitude for the choice of the region. This three (3) day meeting will be marked by intense work that will certainly allow the youth to know if their different opinions, concerns and expectations will be transcribed for amendment and validation. The work of this forum will also focus on topics related to the challenges, issues, and prospects for the youth of Upper Guinea," said General Aboubacar Diakité.

The participants in the forum welcomed the approach of the Ministry of Youth. "This meeting inspires fraternity and renewal among the youth. The youth of Guinea have been asking for the establishment of the National Youth Council of Guinea. Seeing now that we are in the process of setting up this umbrella structure, we can only rejoice," said Mohamed Chérif, one of the participants.


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