Senegal/Usaid GoLD has contributed to the capacity building of more than 5100 local actors in Kolda
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through its GoLD (local governance for development) project, has implemented leadership and capacity building activities that have benefited ''more than 5,100 local actors'' in the Kolda region, between 2016 and 2022, says the director of this program.
Our activities to strengthen the leadership and technical capacities of local governments have involved more than 5,100 local actors, elected officials, authorities and communities, including nearly 1,294 women and 1,500 men," said Jean Michel Dufils, director of the Usaid GoLD program.
Mr. Jean Michel Dufils was speaking at the official closing ceremony and capitalization of the activities of this project in the region of Kolda, in the presence of Governor Saer Ndao.
The resource mobilization support component of the program "has resulted in a 100% increase in local authorities that have improved their own revenue collection," said Mr. Dufils. He reported "more than 227% of the rate of collection of taxes and an increase in investment by local authorities.
"These investments have been focused in priority sectors including health, education, water, sanitation and hygiene in some cases," he said.
He pointed out, in this regard, the financing of the construction of health infrastructure - housing for midwives and dental surgeons, delivery rooms - in Linkering, Bagadadji, Thietty and Medina Yoro Foula, local communities in the region of Kolda.
In addition, "the construction and equipment of classrooms at the school Sinthiang Hadji-Némataba, Sinthiang Koundara, Pata, but also the funding of borehole extensions in the communes of Medina Cherif and Bagadadji etc..''
It is with sadness, but with the pride of duty accomplished, that the USAID GOLD team will have to close its activities in the Kolda region,'' he concluded.
The governor of the Kolda region, Saer Ndao, pleaded for "the consolidation of the achievements of this program for the benefit of local communities and the launch of its second phase to better prepare local actors to take over.
"The project has been successful everywhere because in all sectors that have been targeted, it has benefited The project has been successful everywhere because in all the sectors that have been targeted, it has benefited from the support of all actors who have worked in perfect synergy to achieve the objectives set at the beginning," he said.
Also he paid "a well-deserved tribute to all local elected officials including mayors and secretaries general of municipalities who have been willing to accompany this dynamic.
Source: aps