Benin/World Bee Day Celebration Beekeepers call for action against theft and vandalism of beehives

Published on 18/05/2022 | La rédaction


Faced with acts of vandalism, destruction of apiaries and honey theft, endangering the survival of bees, Benin's beekeepers are taking advantage of World Bees Day (WBD) to inform public opinion and political decision-makers about the threats to bees in Benin.

"Theft and Vandalism of beehives: Let's act to protect the bees, the national economy and the health of the population

Bantè, May 18, 2022
On December 20, 2017, the United Nations General Assembly declared May 20 as World Bee Day (WBD). The challenge is to help raise awareness of the global decline in pollinator diversity, and the risks this poses to sustainable agriculture, livelihoods, and the food supply.

In Benin, the World Bee Day 2022 will be celebrated on Friday, May 20, 2022 in the village of bees in the district of Koko, town of Bantè, from 09:00. This solemn event is the occasion for the great reunion of beekeepers of Benin, professional organizations of beekeepers, promoters of beekeeping enterprises, other actors involved in the development of beekeeping sectors in Benin and communal, departmental and national authorities.

The 2022 edition of the World Beekeeping Day takes place in a context marked by acts of vandalism, destruction of apiaries and honey theft, endangering the survival of bees. It is a real national plague that destroys the farms, demotivates the beekeepers, and constitutes a source of public health problem because of the use of pesticides during the fraudulent harvest of honey.

The beekeeping actors, in particular the beekeepers, took the initiative to take advantage of the World Food Day to inform the public opinion and the political decision-makers on this drama in progress, and to call them to act to protect the bees, the national economy and the health of the Beninese populations. A plea will be made to the government for strong measures likely to protect bees, beekeeping and its key services such as pollination and the production of noble products like honey, and also to protect the population from a slow but dangerous poisoning.

As for beekeepers, they are already committed to playing their part in raising awareness at all levels, promoting initiatives for the protection of bees and other pollinators, in order to contribute to their health and development, keeping in mind that the improvement of pollinator services is important for the achievement of sustainable development goals.

In Benin, beekeeping in its modern form (use of movable-frame hives) was introduced in Benin around the 1950s. It is practiced by some 5,565 beekeepers installed essentially in the forest and savannah areas of the departments of Atacora, Donga, Borgou, Alibori, Zou and Collines, but also and increasingly towards the southern areas of the country. It has developed considerably in recent years with an average annual production estimated at 420 tons.


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