Canada/First Water Master Plan for Lac Laperrière Watershed

Published on 16/05/2022 | La rédaction


A first Water Master Plan for the Lac Laperrière watershed will be presented to residents on June 2 by the Organisme de bassin versant du Témiscamingue (OBVT).

This is the result of the collaboration between the Association des riverains du lac Laperrière, the Municipality of Duhamel-Ouest and the OBVT.

It is an opportunity for the residents to learn more about the state of their water body and its watershed.

It will also be an opportunity for them to discuss the actions planned to better protect the lake.

There are some issues that have been identified as a bit of a permit. There is a beginning of eutrophication of the lake and there is a risk of introduction of invasive exotic species because the spiny water flea has been detected in Lake Témiscamingue which is just next door. There is a desire to deepen the knowledge on the surface water and groundwater of Lake Laperrière. So that's what we're going to focus on for the next few years," explains Vital Idossou, coordinator of the water master plan.

The OBVT plans to get to work this summer with a water testing campaign to determine the sources of pollution.

During the whole season, we will sample the water of the lake and we will analyze this water and after this analysis, we will be able to know what are the sources of pollution of the water body. There are several potential sources of pollution of a lake that is inhabited, but we can not really determine that without acquiring knowledge, that is to say water analysis, adds Vital Idossou.


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