Benin: Fadec soon to be replaced by a Communal Investment Fund

Published on 15/01/2022 | La rédaction


The Government Action Program PAG II was presented to members of parliament, mayors and members of institutions of the Republic yesterday, Thursday 13 January 2022. The blue room of the Palais des Congrès in Cotonou was the venue for this appropriation session of the document presented as "the sole compass of government action" for the second five-year term of Patrice Talon. The PAG (2021-2026) provides for the creation of a communal investment fund to replace the FADEC.

To provide communes with financial resources...

FADEC stands for Fonds d'appui au développement des communes. It is a functional and efficient mechanism for transferring financial resources to local authorities. FADEC aims to provide communes with financial resources for socio-economic investments in two forms, earmarked and non-earmarked. This fund is administered by the National Commission on Local Finance (CONAFIL) with a technical body called the Permanent Secretariat.

The government therefore wants to replace this fund with another, the Communal Investment Fund. The PAG II also provides for the reform of local governance and the construction and equipping of 12 departmental administrative cities, the construction of a training center for local government and the rehabilitation and equipping of infrastructure at the central and prefectural levels. We will also see the promotion of inter-communality for a better handling of communal issues.


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