Morocco/Sustainable development: time to evaluate the National Strategy

Published on 14/01/2022 | La rédaction


The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD) will have to take stock, with a marked orientation for the territorial declinations through the action plans for sustainable development.

The implementation of the NSSD, which will extend until 2030, is the focus of attention of all stakeholders. As part of the monitoring of the implementation of its main axes, a progress report is currently being prepared by the Monitoring and Support Committee of the said strategy. The National Voluntary Report (NVR), on the objectives of sustainable development, will serve as an instrument for refocusing several programs, mainly to adapt to the imperatives of the health crisis and economic recovery. The balance sheet communicated to the two Houses of Parliament shows that, since the launch of the strategy, 28 action plans for sustainable development, with sectoral vocation, have been designed for the implementation of the sustainable development for the implementation of the component "Exemplarity of the State, for the period 2018-2021, as well as the preparation of annual plans on the progress of these plans, "says the report submitted to parliamentarians.

Regarding the sustainable development action plans, the rate of progress has been estimated at 72%, while this threshold does not exceed 59%, for the component of Exemplarity of the State. The main highlight relates to the regional and territorial variations of the strategy for the second phase of its implementation, with 11 framework agreements signed with the regions to improve the territorial targeting of the NSSD. A roadmap for the evaluation of the implementation of the strategy has been adopted with the aim of collecting the main indicators to align the projects with its objectives. Note that in the agricultural field, adaptation to climate change remains the main requirement, through "the rationalization and better management of water resources, via the 3 major structural irrigation programs that have allowed to save and enhance nearly 2 million tons of water per year.These programs have allowed to save and valorize nearly 2 billion m3 of irrigation water and to mobilize non-conventional water, including sea water", according to the data of the environmental device relating to the agricultural sector. Among the important commitments made to parliamentarians, is the contribution to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, as part of the National Determined Contribution (NDC), and this, through planting programs of nearly 450,000 ha over the next ten years, or more than 12 million trees per year.

The main issues
The subject of governance, intended to avoid certain blockages encountered, will focus the attention of elected officials. It is a question of reinforcing the planning dimension as well as raising the threshold of coordination between the administrations, which tend to decline sustainable development according to the particularities of each sector. The diagnosis carried out has shown that the essential thing remains "the appropriation of the NSSD by the different territorial levels, as well as the reinforcement of the role of the private sector through the implementation of the NSSD.the private sector through the implementation of social and environmental responsibility approaches", as indicated in the roadmap for the second stage of the strategy. It should be noted that among the main issues, the reform of taxation "remains a main tool of environmental policy", according to the requirements set by the members with, as main objective, to bring economic agents to change their behavior in order to align themselves with the guidelines of the NSSD. Several sectors, including industry, energy and mining have already adopted "a path of sustainable developmentSeveral sectors, including industry, energy and mining, have already adopted a "sustainable development path", with the implementation of energy efficiency as a crucial component of the country's flagship sectoral strategies.

Departmental plans for an exemplary administration

The "exemplary administration" projects, as part of the implementation of the NSSD, have been launched through ministerial plans for exemplary administration (PMAE). The measures designed to accelerate the country's transition to a green and inclusive economy by 2030 have been broken down into 7 issues, 31 strategic axes and 137 objectives. Currently, public administrations are able to carry out environmental audits of their central buildings. The standards audited concern, essentially, measures relating to energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy in electricity production, as well as actions aimed at rationalizing water consumption and waste management. The method proposed for this purpose will be based on two main guidelines: the first concerns the establishment of sectoral monitoring committees, and the second concerns the monitoring of the strategic committee of ministerial plans. Finally, the objectives outlined consist, mainly, in the establishment of energy efficiency in the five most energy-consuming sectors that are transport, industry, construction, agriculture and public lighting.


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