Niger/Launch of the Extractive Sector Governance for Local Development and Response to COVID-19 (GOLD) project: Strengthening the capacities of local authorities and the management of the extractive sector
The Minister of Planning, Dr Rabiou Abdou, yesterday at the Margou Room of the Gawèye Hotel in Niamey, officially launched the Extractive Sector Governance for Local Development Project and Response to COVID-19, the "GOLD". This project financed by the World Bank to the tune of one hundred million US dollars, or fifty-five billion CFA francs, will support government's strategic reforms to deploy its public resources throughout the country, improve the management of the extractive sector and help combat the COVID-19 pandemic. This was in the presence of the Minister of Mines, the Governor of the Niamey Region and several guests
The Minister of Planning, Dr. Rabiou Abdou, began by highlighting the development objectives of GOLD, which include capacity building of local authorities and the management of the extractive sector for the delivery of public services in the targeted extractive regions ofAgadez, Diffa, Tillabéri and Zinder, contributes to the achievement of the main results of the PDES 2017-2021, particularly those related to strategic axes 3 and 4. This project, is integrated, according to Dr. Rabiou Abdou, into the World Bank's Country Partnership Framework (CPF) in Niger on decentralization, governance, fragility and extractive industries for the 2018-2022 period emphasizing the role of governance and good management of extractive industries. It also aims to: strengthen systems and capacities for implementing decentralization policies and transferring human and financial resources from the State to the Territorial Collectivities ; improve the management of the extractive sector through a better legal framework, good management of geological data, improved risk mitigation capacity and the integration of extractive industries into the economy.and the integration of extractive industries into the local economy; strengthening civic engagement and women's empowerment; mitigating the risks of fragility, conflict and violence, and, de conflits et de violence, ainsi que ceux du changement climatique à travers la promotion du leadership, la gestion du changement et la résolution des problèmes itératifs face aux défis de la collaboration et de la coopération.
This GOLD Project is based, the Minister of Planning explained, on a "hybrid financing" comprising: a traditional disbursement approach, in the form of a grant, through which technical assistance is financed for the implementation of the project components; another form of financing, in the form of a credit, whose disbursement is conditional on : The achievement of results related to performance-based conditions (PBC) and the submission of eligible expenditures made by public ministries with the State's own resources. Dr Rabiou Abdou also recalled that the implementation of the project involves several categories of actors, all working for the socio-economic and cultural development of the Nigerien population. Thus, he stressed, at the level of the ministries, focal points are designated to serve as interface between their ministry and the Project Coordination Unit, facilitate communication and ensure the implementation of their respective Authorized Expenditure Programs (AEP). At the regional level, four (4) focal points will be recruited and will be responsible for centralizing the results of the interventions at the level of the local authorities. In view of the multitude of stakeholders and the innovative approach adopted, the successful implementation of the GOLD Project will require significant efforts in terms of dialogue, consultation, coordination and animation of the actors, particularly on the part of the Coordination Unit, the Minister of Planning said. The objective pursued through the organization of this workshop for the official launching of the Project activities is to lay the foundations of this collaboration between all stakeholders.
For her part, the World Bank representative for Niger, Mrs. Joelle Dehasse, reaffirmed the willingness and commitment of her institution to continue supporting the Government of Niger in the implementation of important reforms it has adopted in order to improve the quality of life of the population.She reaffirmed the willingness and commitment of her institution to continue supporting the Government of Niger in the implementation of important reforms that it has adopted in order to contribute to the establishment of strong and competent public administrations for better management of state resources and better service delivery for all Nigeriens.