DRC/Tshopo: WHO provides technical support in the response to meningitis in Banalia

Published on 16/09/2021 | La rédaction

Congo DRC

The World Health Organization (WHO) is providing technical support in the fight against the meningitis epidemic, which is currently raging in the health zone of Banalia, in the province of Tshopo. Dr. André Bita Fouda, Regional Coordinator for Meningitis Control in Africa at the WHO Regional Office, based in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, reaffirmed this on Tuesday 14 September upon his arrival in Kisangani.

"Our mission in Kisangani is to provide technical support to the team in place in Kisangani in the health area of Banalia and in the health area of Panga and others. So, this team comes to reinforce the support against the meningitis epidemic," said Dr. André Bita Fouda, heading a strong delegation of this organization from Kinshasa.

This WHO official also explained what concretely consists in the support of his organization in the fight against meningitis:

"There are epidemiologists, a communicator and a logistician whose role is to be able to strengthen the various strategies of control; We have epidemiologists, a communicator and a logistician whose role is to strengthen the various control strategies, in particular the strengthening of case detection with an organization to have the most up-to-date cases, the complete cases of all the health areas, including the surroundings.

Their mission, he continued, is to "supervise the management of patients, to ensure that with the communication of risks, the population is informed and no longer believes in The mission of the health workers is to "supervise the care of patients, to ensure that with the communication of risks, people are informed and no longer believe in witchcraft but rather believe that it is a disease that can be contaminated and for which we can have the solution by going to the hospital and also to be able to prepare the vaccination that will take place in a few weeks.

Source: www.radiookapi.net

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