France/Saint-Lary-Soulan. The village in search of a second flower
A jury of the Villes et Villages Fleuris recently visited the town to evaluate the achievements of the municipality in favour of the quality of life.
It is true that benefiting from a setting such as the Aure valley already offers significant advantages. But it is the enhancement of this environment that will be judged. Pour ce faire, Aline Nars, adjointe à la mairie, Marie Cayre, chargée de l'environnement et Jean Marc Boisseau, responsable des espaces verts ont amené le jury composé de Laetitia Laffitte, chef d'équipe du jury réVéronique Courcelle, landscape architect, Eric Pragnères of the Department and José Alves, head of the environment at Lisle-sur-Tarn, to discover the various green spaces in the commune. They were able to appreciate the quality and the number of planters and flowerbeds, the garden of the thermal baths and ended with the educational garden of the House of the Heritage, the very last realization of the commune. This space, unused until now, includes several planting squares which not only embellish the site but also serve as a support for various animations. There is the "carré des saveurs" which offers a judicious alliance of herbs and small fruits and several vegetable patches whose vegetables have been planted and maintained by the school children. A few additional planters have even been installed in the playground. The collaboration with the leisure centre allows for continuity during the holidays. The jury was very sensitive to this strategy of flowering, gardening and enhancement of the plant heritage which integrates the new generations from a very young age. The label awarded by the Villes et Villages Fleuris goes far beyond simple flowering. Today, it is a real environmental policy that is evaluated along with the quality of life of the inhabitants, the living environment, the attractiveness to tourists, the promotion of the local economy as well as the proposed activities. No less than 63 criteria will determine the number of flowers awarded. This label, recognized nationally and strongly encouraged by the region is a recognition of the efforts made by the town and an additional attraction for the resort. Let's hope that St Lary gets its second flower.