Cameroon - Inclusive Education: Nearly a dozen visually impaired in the new batch of teachers trained by the NGO CJARC

Published on 11/07/2021 | La rédaction


They received their diplomas from the directors of the Rehabilitated Blind Youth Club of Cameroon (CJARC).

In Cameroon, the situation of people with disabilities is still not very bright. Despite the efforts made by the Cameroonian government through the Ministry of Social Affairs, several compatriots who suffer from disabilities still struggle to find a place in society. Deprived of education for some, and condemned to unemployment for others, they are sometimes forced to beg to survive. These different situations which tend to impose themselves as a fatality, the Club of Young Blind Rehabilitated Cameroon have been trying to get rid of them for many years. This is done through the triptych Inclusion, Education and Empowerment, chanted like a mantra for over 20 years by Coco Bertin Mowa, the Director General of this non-governmental organization.

The architect of several projects in favour of people with disabilities, Coco Bertin has obtained a permit from the government granting him the right to create his own private training school for general education instructors. Operational since 2019, it has already trained 82 teachers, including people living with disabilities. For the 2020-2021 academic year, the private ENIEG of CJARC installed in its premises located in the Ekié district, in the 4th district of the city of Yaoundé, has welcomed 42 aspiring teachers.

In a note received by our office this Thursday, July 8, 2021, it is stated that 36 of these future teachers, including 8 visually impaired and one hearing impaired, received their diplomas at the end of training on Monday, July 5, 2021. It is to be more precise, a certification in special education, pending the official publication of the results of Capiemp.


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