Senegal/Saint Louis : Signing of a 7 billion CFA francs agreement between the town hall and the Caisse de dépôts et consignations
The pitiful state of the 03 main markets of the town of Saint-Louis will soon be an old memory. For their reconstruction, the mayor of the northern capital and the CEO of the Caisse de Dépôts et Consignations initialled yesterday a partnership framework agreement. A partnership which essentially concerns the promotion of the Territorial Development, the mobilization of the financing necessary to the restructuring and the modernization of the public markets.
Built since the colonial era, without ever being rehabilitated, the markets of the old city of Ndar no longer present the guarantees of attendance required in a public place.
In the market of Ndar-Toute, the metal frame of the large shed is in danger of ruin and a good part of the roofing sheets have been flying away for a long time, the stalls are anarchically placed, the dirt is very often mixed with water. A hideous face that has always denounced the management committee and associations of different trades that operate there. Similar or even worse situations are noted in those of Sor and Pikine.
In addition to the dilapidated infrastructure, the markets of Saint Louis also suffer from the narrowness and lack of organization of the premises (absence of fire hydrants, illegal electrical connections, etc.).In addition to the dilapidated infrastructure, the markets of Saint Louis also suffer from the narrowness and lack of organization of the premises (lack of fire hydrants, clandestine electrical connections, lack of clearance, permanent insalubrity, lack of lighting, risk of fire, etc.)..). Permanent dangers that thousands of people face daily in the three main markets of the city. This is why consumer associations and market management committee leaders have often raised cries of distress so that the worst can be avoided.
Cries of alarm that have had a favorable response from the municipal authorities of Saint Louis. Moreover, it is in this context that the mayor of Saint Louis signed a partnership agreement with the Caisse de Dépôts et de Consignations for an envelope of 07 billion CFA francs. According to the mayor of the old city, the signing of a framework partnership agreement between the two institutions marks the beginning of a new era in the Commune of Saint-Louis.
"It is for the first time since our independence, that our Commune has undertaken a reconstruction of an unsuspected depth of our markets," said the Minister-Mayor, Mansour Faye. Before adding that this framework partnership agreement essentially concerns the promotion of Territorial Development, the mobilization of the necessary financing for the restructuring and modernization of public markets, the implementation of innovative urban development schemes, and the development of a network of public transport networks.It also concerns the design, structuring and implementation of the urban development plan, and the provision of skills and expertise in the development of infrastructures for assistance to the project owner or project manager. It also concerns the design, structuring and monitoring of new urban development projects and new modern infrastructures as well as the co-financing of structuring projects and finally the implementation of any other collaboration programme.
For the CDC's CEO, this is an ambitious project that will contribute to the development of Saint Louis. "The partnership is just beginning. Our technical teams will continue the work and all issues raised by traders will be well studied," said Cheikh Tidiane Ba.