France/Region, departments, natural parks: they are mobilising for the future of the mountains in Occitania
A joint declaration was signed by the region, the departments and the regional parks of Occitania, symbolising the mobilisation for the future of the mountains.
A few days after the government's announcement of a plan to diversify mountain tourism, a multitude of elected officials from Occitania mobilized for the future of the massifs territories, in early June 2021.
"A real consultation process"
In a joint statement, the local elected officials initially "welcomed the coherence of the plan with the actions already undertaken in Occitania". But they are already looking to the future, by "collectively calling for a real consultation process " with local authorities and actors in the territories.
We will be particularly vigilant to ensure that the implementation of this Plan Avenir Montagnes is based on the working method that we have always put in place and which combines daily partnership and consultation with local authorities and territorial actors at the service of their inhabitants. Engineering cannot be controlled from Paris. It must be close to local realities and specificities in this Republic of territories that we are promoting.
RN20 and RN116 in Ariège and Pyrénées-Orientales, RN88 in Aveyron and Lozère, RN21 in Hautes-Pyrénées: access to the massifs are also cited by the signatories, from Carole Delga , president of the Occitanie Region, to Jeanine Dubié, president of the National Association of Mountain Elected Officials, as well as the presidents of the departments of Ariège, Aude, Aveyron, Gard, Lot, Lozère, Hautes-Pyrénées and Pyrénées-Orientales.
All the presidents of the Regional Natural Parks have also initialled this common declaration, which then states that "the local authorities are strongly mobilised for the economic attractiveness of these territories and the quality of life of their inhabitants. The government is expected to take into account the dynamics initiated locally.