DRC: PACONEC builds the capacity of partner CSOs for financial support

Published on 22/05/2024 | La rédaction

Congo DRC

On Tuesday May 21, the PACONEC project to support the national coalition for election observation in Congo opened a capacity-building workshop for beneficiary civil society organizations, to make them eligible for EU funding.

This two-day event will focus on the EU's areas of intervention in its support for civil society organizations, EU financial procedures for implementing project funding, and the components of EU guidelines.

Participants will also be trained in EU financial management procedures, including supporting documents to help organizations apply for EU calls for proposals.

This workshop is part of the activities linked to the 2nd phase of Paconec, dedicated to grants to civil society organizations, beneficiaries to enable them to autonomously carry out projects linked to election observation in the DRC.

PACONEC is a 2-year project implemented by DRI (Democracy Reporting International). It is co-financed by the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. The project supports Congolese civil society partner organizations in observing the electoral process throughout the country, thereby contributing to good democratic governance.


Source: actualite.cd/2024/

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