Algeria: Executive announces program to plant 1 million date palms in 2023/2024

Published on 17/11/2023 | La rédaction


Algeria is the second largest producer of dates in Africa after Egypt. The country, which is also Africa's leading exporter of the fruit in terms of volume, is keen to further boost the sector's performance.

In Algeria, the executive intends to launch a program to plant 1 million date palms during the 2023/2024 crop year. This was revealed by Mohamed Abdelhafid Henni, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, on November 15.

The initiative is part of a strategy to further promote the cultivation of this fruit in the country. According to information relayed by the local daily Express-DZ, it will be implemented with the collaboration of all players in the sector.

"This program involves the densification and diversification of palm tree planting with new seedlings in order to increase production and meet the growing demand both locally and abroad.local and international demand, in addition to improving and enhancing the value of different date varieties", explains Mr. Henni. Henni.

The program will also focus on the phytosanitary protection of palm groves. This second aspect focuses on strengthening control using drones and modern techniques to combat pest attacks.

According to official figures, Algeria produces 1.2 million tonnes of dates a year, making it the world's 4th largest producer behind Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran. The fruit is also the country's main agricultural export. According to data from the Ministry of Commerce and Export Promotion, date shipments brought in over $75 million in 2021.


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