Vietnam/ Solar power changes life on Truong Sa

Published on 29/06/2024 | La rédaction

Viet Nam

Some thirty locations in Truong Sa district, Khanh Hoà province (Central), now have access to clean energy. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the hard work of the electricians who work tirelessly to improve the daily lives of the islanders.

Electricity of Vietnam Group (EVN) breathed new life into Truong Sa (Spratly) by deploying a modern solar power system there in 2017, replacing obsolete installations on the DK1 platforms and surrounding islands.

An arduous journey

Hô Thai Yên Kha, Deputy Director of Ninh Thuân Electricity Company under EVN, recalls the challenges when he first arrived on site as part of the operations team: "At the time, the photovoltaic equipment was largely degraded, resulting in a weak power supply and a low level of efficiency.power supply and very limited access to energy for the islanders".

"Many sites in the region had to use backup power sources or take conservation measures, and prioritize electricity for key activities after dark. On summer days, soldiers on the island had to sleep in sweltering heat, as there was no electricity to run the fans," recalls Mr. Kha.

"We electricians couldn't help but sympathize with them and feel that we owed them a good night's sleep. Such convenience was normal on the mainland, but it was a luxury on the islands and platforms in the middle of the sea," he shares.

Colonel Cao Van Son, deputy head of logistics for the Vietnamese Navy, has never forgotten his stay on the Truong Sa islands in 1997-1998. Having recently returned there with the Navy, he was particularly impressed by the significant progress made, particularly in terms of access to electricity.

In those days, living conditions were harsh," he recalls, " the electricity supply was erratic, which had a considerable impact on the daily lives of soldiers and locals alike. The hot nights were particularly difficult to bear without air conditioning.

Today, the situation is very different. "The electrical system has been completely modernized", says a delighted Mr. Son. Now, islanders can enjoy a stable and sufficient supply of electricity. This has changed their daily lives, enabling them to sleep better in hot weather, access quality health care and generally enjoy greater living comfort."

Military doctor Nguyên Xuân Hai, who has been working on the island of Song Tu Tây for almost a year, adds that the medical equipment and facilities have been improved.quipement and medical facilities have also improved, with electricity and water provided. "This means better treatment and examinations for patients", he informs.

Silent heroes

Ensuring the electricity supply to these remote islands is a real challenge. Far from the comforts of the cities, electricians not only have to cope with extreme working conditions, marked by violent winds and scorching heat, but also optimize their intervention time at each site to ensure optimal operation of the entire electrical system.

"The sun and sea spray often quickly oxidize machine connection points," explains Vo Hoàng Tuân, deputy head of the Ninh Thuân Electricity Company's Technical Office, as he carries out a regular check on the batteries at the Song Tu Tây power plant. According to him, this can lead to poor electrical contact, reducing system efficiency and affecting the continuity of electricity supply.

Frequent environmental impacts over a long period can damage devices such as batteries and solar panels.

"Good maintenance of devices ensures stable operation, but not necessarily perennial, as harsh weather conditions wear them out very quickly," says Mr. Tuân.

According to the electricians, each maintenance mission requires considerable manpower, as they have to load and unload all their equipment and tools onto a boat to travel between the different islands.

Despite these difficulties, Mr. Kha stresses that his sector's aim is to achieve the best possible energy efficiency for the people and troops stationed on the islands and DK1 platforms.

With a high proportion of sunny days throughout the year, the Truong Sa islands and DK1 platforms are considered well-suited to the development of solar power, which not only meets the needs of the local population, but is also a major source of energy, which not only meets the demand for electricity, but also contributes to environmental protection and sustainable development.

Dinh Thê Phuc, a member of EVN's board of directors, points out that the goal by 2025 is to equip the DK1 platforms and surrounding islands with a clean energy system operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week. EVN's aim is that by 2026, the entire clean energy system on the Truong Sa islands will have a 36-hour autonomy.

Nguyên Ngoc Ngân, who has worked for many years as an electricity operator on the islet of Da Dông A in Truong Sa, acknowledges that the new solar power system has considerably improved the quality of electricity energy system has considerably improved quality of life, compared with the oil- and diesel-powered generators used in the past.

"What I hope most now is that the authorities will continue to coordinate and invest in the best equipment, and increase the number of electrical systems compatible with the islands' current infrastructure," he says. Guaranteeing a stable power supply is not only an encouragement to the soldiers who guard the skies, seas and islands of our homeland, it's also a way of spiritually supporting them in their noble mission ".

This year, Ninh Thuân Electricity Company will continue the maintenance and modernization of six clean power plants on the Truong Sa islands and DK1 platforms, with total funding of 88.7 billion dôngs (3.5 million USD).

"We are accelerating and are determined to complete this project in the fourth quarter of this year. Once the project is completed, power supply on the platforms and islands will continue for at least 24 hours, in the absence of sun and wind," pledges Mr. Kha.

Local residents, who benefit directly from these clean energy systems, said the changes in their quality of life were obvious.

Visible improvements

Nguyên Ngoc Thuong's family has been living on Truong Sa for over three years, and sees more and more people deciding to settle on one of these islands.

"If possible, my children will pursue their higher education on the mainland, while my wife and I will stay here to work and make our contribution to the development of the islands and the protection of our homeland," expresses Mr. Thuong.

Nguyên Tân Luân and Trân Thi Châu Uc, another couple living on the island of Song Tu Tây, share: "The soldiers always support the locals in all areas and are ready to lend a hand at any time. Daily necessities such as electricity, water and communication services are always available, and our children's education is no different from that on the mainland."

Seeing the transformation taking place on the islands, Colonel Cao Van Son emphasizes the importance of solar energy as a radical and sustainable solution for the development of the Truong Sa islands.

"This +greening+ of Truong Sa is also of great importance for national defense and security in difficult climatic conditions", he asserts. He adds: "Expanding and maintaining clean energy systems is a difficult task that requires enormous determination on EVN's part".

"I believe that the state electricity provider will achieve this goal to ensure 24/7 power for these sites by 2025," he stresses.


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