Vietnam/ Cashless payment system and green public services

Published on 13/02/2025 | La rédaction

Viet Nam

Hô Chi Minh City's metro N°1 (HURC1) limited liability company (EURL), Mastercard and Samsung Vietnam Electronics announced on February 12 their partnership to promote a cashless payment system and environmentally-friendly public services along the city's metro N°1 line (Bên Thành - Suôi Tiên).

According to HURC1 Deputy Director Van Thi Huu Tam, the parties will work together to inform passengers about HCMC Metro HURC and citizen digital applications, various public services in 14 stations as well as contactless card payment, online ticket purchases via in-station screens, services guiding cashless transactions and ticket counters.

There will be 206 screens in 17 metro trains displaying information, news and entertainment content, and 46 kiosk screens in stations helping passengers to use services and answer questions. In addition, charging stations will be installed in stations to enable users to recharge their mobile devices.

Opening on December 22, 2024, the Bên Thành - Suôi Tiên N°1 metro line is 19.7 km long. The metro, with a total investment of 43,700 billion dôngs (nearly 2 billion USD), comprises 14 stations, three of which are underground and 11 elevated, and benefits from public development aid from Japan.

Subway ticket prices range from 6,000 to 20,000 dôngs per trip. One-day unlimited travel tickets cost 40,000 dôngs/person and 3-day unlimited travel tickets cost 90,000 dôngs/person. The monthly ticket price for general passengers is 300,000 dôngs/month and for students 150,000 dôngs/month.


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