Tunisia/L'APIA supports 20 agricultural entrepreneurship projects in Kébili

Published on 19/09/2023 | La rédaction


The Agence de Promotion des Investissements Agricoles (APIA) has launched a call for applications to support 20 projects in the common date sector with high economic, environmental and social performance in the governorate of Kébili. It will close on October 9, 2023. This initiative is part of the "Opportunities for Young People in Africa (OYA): Accelerating job creation in agriculture and agribusiness in Tunisia" project, carried out through a partnership between APIA, the FAO and Tunisia's National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRAT).

Its aim is to support young agri-entrepreneurs in stimulating and sustaining their responsible investment projects in a high-impact sector generating triple performance (Planet, People and Profit).In this way, the project aims to boost the competitiveness of these young agri-entrepreneurs, enabling them to penetrate local and international markets, and to improve the attractiveness of agri-food sectors, which are characterized by a high potential for job creation.and promote inclusive economic transformation by supporting responsible investment projects that contribute to territorial development in the Kébili region.The partnership between APIA, FAO and INRAT has given rise to a number of initiatives, including the Pôle Agri-accélérateur in Béja, which has supported 40 young entrepreneurs with responsible investment projects promoting inclusive territorial development.

Source: www.msn.com/

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