Togo/ Cooperation: INSEED Togo signs a partnership agreement with the African Center for Equitable Development

Published on 05/07/2024 | La rédaction


In Togo, the Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques et Démographiques (INSEED) signed a memorandum of understanding with the African Centre for Equitable Development (ACED) last week (Friday June 28).

The alliance is designed to support INSEED in several key areas . Notably in the implementation of the statistical visa, the improvement of research capacities and the organization of study tours. This framework will enable the Togolese statistics institute to benefit from ACED's expertise and know-how, while identifying new avenues for future action.

A "South-South" collaboration

Tchiou Animaou, Secretary General of INSEED, welcomed the partnership's South-South dimension. He also emphasized the importance of seeing local institutions, with their expertise, researchers and players, increasingly position themselves in the accompaniment and technical support of development in the sub-region.

"This strategic partnership with INSEED is a major step towards a culture of systematic use of data in decision-making in West Africa", said Dr. Fréjus THOTO, Executive Director of ACED. "It will enable us to combine our efforts and expertise to promote evidence-based decision-making in key areas of sustainable development in Togo."

The two organizations will collaborate, among other things, to: jointly implement initiatives aimed at improving the ecosystem of data production and use; and facilitate access by Togo's users (policy-makers and practitioners) to the data produced and services offered by INSEED.

Based in Benin, ACED is a research and action center promoting equitable development in Africa. Its areas of intervention cover food systems, the natural economy, the digital economy and human development.


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