Togo/Maternal health: Togo launches "tele-ultrasound" project
In Togo, the Ministry of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Access to Healthcare launched the "Tele-ultrasound project to improve maternal and child health in Togo" on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 in Lomé. Initiated with the Pierre Fabre Foundation, the project aims to improve consultations for pregnant women.
According to the Ministry of Health, this project involves remote healthcare services, using information and communication technologies to enable patients to consult healthcare professionals without physically visiting a health center.
With this project, the country's health authorities will be banking on digital technology to improve women's health, and thus accelerate the march towards universal health coverage by 2030. It will also formalize and operationalize the national e-health strategy through the deployment of tele-expertise for the interpretation of ultrasound examinations carried out as part of prenatal monitoring and obstetric emergencies.
" This project, which is about to get underway, will undoubtedly contribute to achieving the universal health coverage that the government is promoting ", emphasized Aristide Afèignindou Gnassingbé, National Coordinator for Digital Health.
For the 12-month pilot phase of the project, 10 health centers in Togo's five regions have been selected to use the platform. selected to use the " Bogou " platform (Bogou is a tele-expertise or tele-diagnosis tool). A total of 4,000 pregnant women should benefit from an ultrasound examination interpreted remotely by a specialist by the end of the experimental phase.