Togo/Decentralization: the commune of Tône 1 is counting on 326 million FCFA for its development in 2024

Published on 02/03/2024 | La rédaction


In Togo, the commune of Tône 1 (Dapaong) is counting on a budget of 326 million FCFA to finance its development projects in 2024. This budget, 7.22% higher than the previous year's (304 million FCFA), was presented on Wednesday February 28, 2024 in Dapaong (620 km north of Lomé), at the municipality's first ordinary session of the year.

In detail, 65% of this budget, i.e. 213,845,694 FCFA, is earmarked for operations and the remainder for investment.

These resources will be used primarily to finance street improvement projects, the construction of the official box at Dapaong's municipal stadium, the construction of a school building and the provision of the commune's commercial infrastructure.

The commune has already put in place a revenue mobilization plan. These include the commissioning of a household waste management structure in the town of Dapaong, the recruitment of personnel qualified in the proper management of resources, and the establishment of an open collaboration between the commune, the tax services and the entire population, with a view to effectively combating fraud.

The Tône 1 municipal administration is planning new strategies, including regular outings by collection agents to collect statutory taxes.

As a reminder, the commune of Tône 1 is one of Togo's localities under threat from terrorism since November 2021.


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