Senegal/Three new health facilities inaugurated in Tambacounda

Published on 25/03/2025 | La rédaction


The Minister of Health and Social Action, Ibrahima Sy, inaugurated two health posts and a maternity ward in the Tambacounda health district in eastern Senegal on Sunday.

Accompanied by regional governor Guedj Diouf, the prefect of the Tambacounda department and the town's mayor Papa Panda Dièye, the Minister of Health and Social Action inaugurated the maternity ward at the Afia health center and officially opened the Abattoirs health center. of the Afia health post and the official opening of the Abattoirs health post built by Tambacounda town council as part of the Programme d'appui aux communes et agglomérations du Sénégal (Pacasen).

Ibrahima Sy then symbolically launched the commissioning of the Médinacoura health post, part of which was built by Tambacounda town council.

"It's a great joy for me to be in Tambacounda to inaugurate a maternity hospital because, as you know, in the new public policy reference framework, the reduction of maternal, neonatal and infant mortality is a priority.duction of maternal, neonatal and infant mortality is an absolute priority," he declared after inaugurating the Afia maternity unit.

The minister thanked the mayor of Tambacounda for his commitment in setting up this maternity unit, which will help raise the level of technical and medical facilities in the Tambacounda health district.

Ibrahima was also delighted with the commissioning of this health infrastructure and promised to support the health district in terms of equipment to improve care for the population.

"My wish is that they be put to good use. The Ministry of Health will make its contribution in terms of equipment and medical staff to facilitate the care of the population," promised Mr. Sy.

He then visited the Mother and Child Unit of the Tambacounda regional hospital.

The Minister saw first-hand the facilities of the Mother and Child Unit, before following a presentation on the performance indicators of this unit, which is presented as a reference infrastructure in the region.The minister then followed a presentation on the performance indicators of this center, which is presented as a reference infrastructure for maternal, neonatal and infant care in this region of eastern Senegal.


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