SENEGAL-COLLECTIVITES-GENRE / Mining code: round table on the inclusion of women's economic empowerment projects

Published on 01/07/2024 | La rédaction


Women In Mining Sénégal (WIM Sénégal), a community network dedicated to the promotion of women's leadership and empowerment in the extractive industries, organized a round table on Friday on the effectiveness of the legal provisions of the Mining Code with regard to the inclusion of women's economic empowerment projects in impacted communities in the local development support fund.

The meeting also aims to "promote inclusive and participatory governance by strengthening the capacities of community women's networks, to advocate for the effectiveness of their rights and to participate actively in the development and implementation of local policies for greater gender sensitivity".their rights and actively participate in the development and implementation of local policies for greater gender sensitivity".

Participants come from the Matam, Saint-Louis, Kédougou, Thiès and Fatick regions.

The aim is to reflect on a roadmap to reinforce the effectiveness of women's rights in extractive sectors such as oil and gas, but above all, to anticipate on funds to support local development.Gnagna Diène Diassé, head of advocacy for the NGO "Women Mining in Senegal" (WIM).

She added that "these women's networks have been formed in each of these regions, not only to support them in mobilizing resources, but also to help them multiply their economic empowerment mechanisms".

These women now have sufficient resources not only to express their leadership and carry out their advocacy, but also to support the girls in their communities so that they can go to school", she added.

According to Ms. Diassé, this meeting is an opportunity to form a "strategic alliance" aimed at helping women to think and speak "with one voice".chir and speak "with one voice, amplify it and bring their own advocacy to decision-makers".

"(...) the 5 regions met here, to be strengthened and prepared to make a strong plea around articlearticle 115 of the mining code, which refers to local development support funds", said Ousmane Bâ, WIM Senegal's focal point in the Matam region.

He pointed out, however, that the fund has not yet been set up, but stressed its importance to community development.

He explained, "It's a question of making a plea around an argument that will enable us to gather the essential elements to be able to talk to the authorities who will be making decisions, in particular the Minister of Mines.

WIM is a network dedicated to the promotion of women's leadership and empowerment in the extractive industries in Senegal, involving over 100 organizations and 50,000 women and young people at community level.

In addition to the round table, Women In Mining Senegal plans to organize the first edition of the "Gender Awards", an event aimed at "celebrate and promote female inclusion and leadership in the mining, oil and gas sector in Senegal".


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