Morocco/Sefrou: CPDH adopts a series of social and human development projects

Published on 17/11/2023 | La rédaction


At a meeting held on Thursday, the Sefrou Provincial Human Development Committee (CPDH) approved several projects under the third phase of the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH). During the meeting, chaired by Mohamed Husseini, Secretary General of Sefrou province, it was decided to equip four "Dar Talib" and "Dar Taliba", built as part of the INDH at a total cost of almost 600,000 dirhams.

As part of the program to improve the income and economic integration of young people, the committee has approved the financing of projects carried out by young people and receiving support as part of the program to encourage entrepreneurship. A total of 66 projects were financed for a total of 5.5 million dirhams.

The meeting also agreed to upgrade certain roads as part of the INDH's first program to combat precariousness, as well as two roads in the "Bir Tamtam" commune as part of efforts to open up the rural population.

The meeting also saw the approval of the transfer of the second tranche of pre-school teaching units, created as part of the National Initiative for Human Development, to theAcadémie régionale d'éducation et de formation de Fès-Meknès, with the transfer of funds for the management of these units for a period of two years, in partnership with the Fondation marocaine pour la promotion de l'enseignement préscolaire.

In a statement to MAP, Adil Zahiri, head of Sefrou province's social action division, said that the Provincial Committee for Human Development approved a series of projects at the meeting, including pre-school education, rural roads and support for young entrepreneurs.

With regard to the pre-school education units that have been transferred to AREF, he emphasized INDH's commitment to guaranteeing the operating expenses of these units over the next few years.As regards the pre-school education units that have been transferred to AREF, he emphasized INDH's commitment to guaranteeing the operating costs of these units over the next two years, as well as those relating to their connection to the electricity and drinking water networks.


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