Morocco/Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Regional Council approves several partnership agreements
Rabat - The Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Regional Council approved 18 economic, social, cultural and sporting agreements on Monday during its ordinary session for the month of March.
The session was chaired by the President of the Regional Council, Rachid El Abdi, and attended by the Wali of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region and Governor of the Rabat prefecture, Mohamed Yacoubi.gion of Rabat-Salé-Kénitra, Governor of the Prefecture of Rabat, Mohamed Yacoubi, were marked by theapproval of the programming of the actual budget surplus for 2024, which amounts to74 million dirhams, as well as the reallocation of funds from the equipment budget for 2025.
The Council also unanimously approved a draft framework partnership agreement between the Regional Council, the Wilaya of the region, the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, the German International Cooperation Agency and the regional management of the Centre des très petites entreprises solidaires, aiming to support young people and graduates of the region's vocational training institutes and centers, to facilitate their access to the job market through training in artificial intelligence and digital marketing.
In terms of supporting investment in the region as a pole of attractiveness, the Board unanimously approved four draft partnership agreements with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry.conomie et des Finances, the Ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce, the Wilaya de la région, the Conseil de la région and the company "Rabat Région Émergence", at a total cost of 320 million dirhams.
The Council also unanimously approved the draft amendment to the partnership agreement concerning the upgrading of industrial zones in Skhirat and Ain Atiq, in the Skhirat-Témara prefecture.
As part of South-South cooperation and the strengthening of bilateral relations, the Board approved the renewal of a framework cooperation and partnership agreement with the Nouakchott region.
With regard to sports infrastructures, the Board approved partnership and cooperation agreements between the Rabat prefecture, the prefectures and provinces of the region, theAcadémie régionale de l'éducation et de la formation (AREF) and local councils for the construction of local stadiums in the communes of Arbaoua, Sidi Taibi, Bab Tiouka and Zirara.
He also approved a partnership agreement between the Wilaya of the region, AREF and the Salé Communal Council for the construction of local stadiums.
Speaking on this occasion, the President of the Regional Council, Rachid El Abdi, noted that the Council's performance during the first half of its mandate had been positive, noting that through the partnership agreements approvedes, the Council aims to attract investment by launching campaigns to promote the region's potential, notably its infrastructure and strategic sectors such as industry, tourism and the economy.
The Council's general orientation is to promote employment, particularly among young people, support small farmers and reduce social disparities in the region's prefectures and provinces, he concluded.