Morocco/Fez: First regional meeting for blind and partially sighted women

Published on 28/06/2024 | La rédaction


Efforts to promote the situation of blind and partially-sighted women and facilitate their socio-economic integration were the focus of the first regional meeting for this category, held on Thursday in Fez. The meeting, initiated by the Fez branch of the Alaouite Organization for the Promotion of the Blind in Morocco (OAPAM), chaired by Her Serene Highness Princess Lalla Lamia Solh, follows on from the recommendations of the National Forum for Blind and Visually Impaired Women, held last April in Témara under the theme "Blind women: ambitions and challenges".

Speaking on this occasion, Abderazak Boughanbour, President of the OAPAM chapters, said that the organization of this meeting, which is part of the implementation of OAPAM's general strategy, was an opportunity to highlight the efforts made by the organization to promote the situation of blind women in particular.s overall strategy, was an opportunity to highlight the efforts made by the organization to promote the situation of blind women in particular.

M. Boughanbour noted that the strategy of the Alaouite Organization for the Promotion of the Blind in Morocco is based on a participatory approach promoted by its President, Her Serene Highness Princess Lalla.sidente SA la Princesse Lalla Lamia Solh, and which stresses the importance of involving all the players concerned to achieve the desired objectives in favor of blind and partially-sighted women.

Among the central points highlighted at the national meeting held under the theme "Blind women: ambitions and challenges", the same official pointed out, the strengthening of the autonomy of regional sections to enable them to contribute to the socio-economic integration of this category of women.of this category of women, the restructuring of the Alaouite Organization's blind women's unit and the strengthening of advocacy around their socio-economic rights.

For her part, Leila Bennis, President of OAPAM-Fès, praised the efforts of Her Serene Highness Princess Lalla Lamia Solh, who has worked tirelessly to promote the rights of blind women.her efforts to promote the situation of blind people, particularly women, through an inclusive strategy based on the involvement of all stakeholders.

She emphasized the importance of the achievements made in favor of this category in various fields, in accordance with the High Directives of HM King Mohammed VI.

Representatives from various departments, partners of the Alaouite Organization, including Entraide nationale, theAcadémie régionale d'Education et de Formation (AREF) de Fès-Meknès and the Centre régional des métiers de l'They emphasized the major role played by OAPAM in promoting the situation of blind and partially-sighted women, and in supporting actions undertaken in their favor.

During the meeting, success stories from several blind and partially-sighted women from the Fès-Meknès region were presented. An exhibition of articles and products made by these women was also organized alongside this first regional meeting.

Through its various sections nationwide, OAPAM works to ensure the social inclusion of blind and partially-sighted people, so that visual impairment does not prevent them from fully enjoying their rights, particularly in terms of education, training and employment.


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