Morocco/Festival of Imilchil: Opportunity to build partnerships between MREs and residents

Published on 18/08/2022 | La rédaction


About fifty Moroccans living abroad (MRE) went to the province of Midelt, to attend the 4th edition of the Festival of World Moroccans in Imilchil, which was held from August 11 to 14. The event is launched following a partnership between the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) and the Network of Solidarity Diasporas (FORIM). The event was an opportunity for MREs to discover the projects carried out by the two partner associations in the region of Midelt.

In the heart of the mountains of the Eastern High Atlas, and in the presence of the President of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad Mr. Driss El Yazami, the 4 th edition of the festival of Imilchil was launched. Driss El Yazami, the 4th edition of the festival of Imilchil was launched, with a theme that raises awareness among Moroccans living abroad on the potential of the town of Imilchil.

The festival of Imilchil is an event with multiple benefits, recognizes Mr. El Yazami, who adds that it is a "new proof of the ability of Moroccan associations to establish partnerships for the benefit of the local population.

The Moroccan diaspora has responded favorably to the festival. It was an opportunity for Mr. El Yazami to indicate that funding has been granted to several economic projects in the region of Imilchil. This grant was made possible through the partnership between the associations Akhiam and SENS.

In a statement the vice president of the association Akhiam and coordinator of the association SENS Marghine Lhoua, confirmed that this event is a tool that allows to promote the development of the region.In a statement the vice president of the association Akhiam and coordinator of the association SENS, Marghine Lhoua, confirmed that this event is a tool to create strong links between MREs and local actors, which will have as an objective the achievement of economic development in the region.

The festival of Imilchil allows a large profitability, indeed several capitals are mobilized for this event, including those of MRE wishing to establish investments in the region, so the valley will be able toThus, the valley will be able to accommodate new projects, including in associative support, management of drinking water and others allowing the extension of drinking water networks.

During the same event, a partnership agreement was concluded between the association Akhiam and the Council of the territorial community of Imilchil, through an agreement that aims to promote good management and maintenance of the drinking water network.


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