Luxembourg/Development cooperation: government policy and main measures
Since 1980, development cooperation policy has been one of the pillars of Luxembourg's foreign policy. In line with the commitment made in the government program for the period 2013-18, the Grand Duchy invests 1% of gross national income (GNI) in development aid, making it one of the five most ambitious developed economies in this field.
Focused on targeted partnerships, Luxembourg's cooperation is based on the key principles of reliability, commitment and competence. It is committed to the eradication of poverty, particularly in the least developed countries, and to sustainable development.
In the interests of efficiency and impact, Luxembourg's development aid is focused on a limited number of partner countries.
The geographical choices made by Luxembourg's development cooperation take into account the United Nations Development Program's Human Development Index, as well as considerations relating to regional approaches and situations of fragility. Luxembourg implements multi-annual cooperation programs called Indicative Cooperation Programs (ICPs) with seven "partner countries", five of which are located in West Africa, and also supports projects in seven other "project countries".
The priority sectors for cooperation are education, including training and professional integration, health and local development, while the cross-cutting themes are gender, the environment, climate change and governance.
In the field
Cooperation policy is implemented in the field via bilateral channels, mainly through the Lux-Development agency, and multilateral channels, through United Nations agencies or the European Union.
Luxembourg's cooperation policy is also implemented, on the one hand, by civil society, including almost a hundred Luxembourg-based development NGOs.velopment NGOs receive direct co-financing, and the private sector, with which Luxembourg has established public-private partnerships. Luxembourg also supports NGOs and institutions involved in microfinance.
Humanitarian aid
Luxembourg's official development assistance also includes a humanitarian action component, in line with international humanitarian principles and international humanitarian law. Humanitarian action makes it possible to respond to emergency situations in the event of major crises, such as humanitarian disasters, natural catastrophes or violent conflicts. It also includes a humanitarian disaster prevention component and a transitional component, between the time a humanitarian disaster occurs, reconstruction and the resumption of development activities.