France and Quebec forge partnership on discoverability of French-language scientific content

Published on 31/05/2024 | La rédaction

Canada, France

On May 14, 2024, the governments of France and Quebec signed a partnership agreement to promote the use of French in science.

" We have a duty to promote research, innovation and scientific publications in French. The international dimension of research and the need for coordinated action mean that solidarity between French-speaking countries is more necessary than ever," said Quebec's Minister of the French Language, Jean-François Roberge. Jean-François Roberge.

The Rector of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Prof. Slim Khalbous, was present at the announcement of this partnership alongside the Minister, Mr. Jean-François Roberge.Jean-François Roberge, Pascale Déry, Quebec's Minister of Higher Education, Paul de Sinety, General Delegate of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie.Paul de Sinety, delegate general for the French language and languages of France, Mr.Rémi Quirion, Chief Scientist of Quebec, and Mr. Étienne Ghys, Secrétaire perpétuel of the Académie des sciences de France.

This bilateral commitment aims to

  • Promote the discoverability of French-language scientific content on the Internet through, among other things, metadata and publications;
  • Support the production and dissemination of French-language content, promoting French as the language of knowledge and scientific practice;
  • Support the translation of scientific content produced by research into French, with a view to open science, in order to increase its impact in several languages;
  • Strengthen the commitment of academic institutions and private companies to French-language research, and encourage French-language scientific practices;
  • Support the conditions for the emergence of a French-speaking scientific digital space;
  • Involve civil society in efforts to promote the French language.

This partnership has its origins in the priorities established at the 21st Alternating Meeting of the Premiers of Quebec and France. On that occasion, the premiers ratified the Joint Declaration on the French Language, as well as a roadmap defining this bilateral agreement.

"The discoverability of French-language scientific content is all the more effective when it emanates from both intergovernmental cooperation and partnership with international organizations ", emphasized AUF Rector Prof. Slim Khalbous. Slim Khalbous, before adding: "The AUF will support bilateral collaboration between Quebec and France, and strengthen it as a multilateral player. As the world's leading French-speaking university network, the AUF supports all the objectives of the aforementioned roadmap with its members and government partners, in order to further and collectively develop the French-speaking world of science. "

Among the first achievements of this partnership, a scientific committee chaired by Quebec's Chief Scientist, Mr.Rémi Quirion, and by the Secrétaire perpétuel of the Académie des sciences de France, Mr. Étienne Ghys, will propose an inventory of the current situation and general recommendations. The Ministère de la Langue Française and the Délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de Francewill use this to develop a Franco-Quebec strategy for the discoverability of French-language scientific content.

AUF and Acfas, major players in the French-speaking world of science, will be responsible for implementing the recommendations arising from this work.

Read the press release announcing this partnership


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