France - Cameroon/Mulhouse. They're off to Cameroon to help underprivileged children

Published on 26/02/2024 | La rédaction

Cameroun, France

"I was born in Cameroon. I spent the first years of my life with my maternal grandparents," explains Carine Effa, president of the Muna Mulema association.

Her mother, who left five children behind in Africa in 1975, married a Frenchman, with whom she had three more children. "Carine Effa grew up in a large, blended family, with ups and downs in her teenage years. She was initially directed towards a CAP-BEP in accounting and administration, but a teacher had spotted "potential" in her. "I joined the general stream in première, passed my baccalaureate and entered the IUFM in Saint-Étienne in 2000. I remember I was the first black student there...".

In Alsace since 2009

Carine Effa moved to Alsace 15 years ago to follow her husband. She has been running a nursery school in Illzach since 2010.


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