France/ They cycled 477 km from Ouistreham to Braine-l'Alleud to celebrate 70 years of twinning

Published on 04/07/2024 | La rédaction


To celebrate 70 years of Belgian and French twinning, the people of Ouistreham and Brain have organized a 477 km bicycle crossing to join the twin towns on Friday June 28, 2024.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the twinning between the Belgian town of Braine-l'Alleud and Ouistreham (Calvados). To celebrate this memorable occasion, a Belgian team of ten cyclists set off on a 477-kilometer journey from Braine-l'Alleud on Friday June 28, 2024.

The aim: to reach Ouistreham in two stages, with a stopover in Le Tréport. An original jersey has been designed for the occasion. "We had headwinds all along the route for two days and rain. A rider from our team, Daniel, who was in the lead pack, was hit by a car at Touques when it overtook too close. Fortunately, Daniel escaped with only a few bruises", says Daniel Capiaux, the Belgian race organizer.

One of the oldest twinnings in France

On Saturday June 29, the Belgian cyclists were joined by members of the Ouistreham club, arriving together at the Place de la Mairie at 4:30 p.m., where Catehrine Lechavallier, deputy mayor, and the presidents of the twinning clubs of the two towns were eagerly awaiting the experienced riders. "Created in 1954, this twinning is one of the oldest in France. It was during the term of mayor Charles Lefauconnier (1953-1965) that a declaration of oath was signed between the town of Braine-l'Alleud in Belgium and Ouistreham," explains Thierry Tolos, vice-president of the twinning association.

"The friendship between the two towns grew out of their participation in sporting events. A twinning oath was signed again on September 13, 1976, cementing the bonds of friendship forged over the years," explains Michel Fricout, President. "Over the decades, numerous initiatives have been put in place, from sporting exchanges with badminton clubs to cultural collaborations and visits to the Battle of Waterloo estate. This anniversary is an opportunity to look back on the many joint achievements and plan future projects."


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