France/ The commune of Isigny-le-Buat finally has its own France Services area

Published on 15/06/2024 | La rédaction


On June 12, the Communauté d'Agglomération was informed of the French government's approval of a new France Services entity in Isigny-le-Buat (Manche).

Open since March, the administrative assistance service located next toIsigny-le-Buat town hall has been awarded the espace France Services label. The space joins the France Services network covering the agglomeration community. Stéphanie Abraham and Camille Barbedette, community agents, advise local users.

What is France Services?

France Services is a government initiative designed to put public services back at the heart of local communities.

The France Services centers give all citizens access to a range of public services, in a location close to their home, and the benefit of high-quality support in carrying out their administrative formalities.

France Services agents are trained to answer questions on administrative procedures from the following partner operators: Ministry of the Interior, Directorate General of Public Finance, Ministry of Justice, Caisse nationale de l'Assurance maladie, Caisse nationale de l'Assurance retraiteAssurance Retraite, Caisse Nationale de l'Allocations Familiales, France Travail, Mutualité Sociale Agricole, La Poste, Ministère de la Transition Energétique, Banque de France.

These accredited agents can help users with a wide range of formalities, such as applying for a vehicle registration document or housing benefit, filing an income tax return online, registering with France Travail or applying for a pension...

Users are informed and supported in using the various existing administrative services and, more generally, in the use of digital tools. Assistance is free and by appointment only.

A local space

In a press release, the agglomeration community points out that "the choice of location reflects the political will of the community's elected representatives to be close to its users.The choice of location reflects the political will of the community's elected representatives to be close to its users, since every French citizen should be able to benefit from a France Services center less than 30 minutes from home. That said, it's important to stress that these are community services, and that the two agents recruited for these missions are part of the Mont Saint-Michel - Normandie agglomeration community's payroll.

Ten France Services on the Agglo territory

There are 10 technical advisors in social action and 8 reception agents for the 10 France Services (Barenton, Brécey, Isigny-le-Buat, Le Teilleul, Mortain-Bocage, Pontorson, Saint-Hilaire, Saint-James, Sartilly-Baie-Bocage and Sourdeval).

France Services Isigny-le-Buat opening hours (by appointment). Monday 9h-12h 14h-17h ; Tuesday - 13h30-17h ; Wednesday 9h-12h30 13h30-17h ; Thursday 8h30-12h 13h30-17h30 and Friday 8h30-12h30Adress : 26 bis rue de Pain d'Avaine, Place du 15 mars 1973 - 50540 Isigny-le-Buat. Telephone: 02 33 89 20 30

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