France/ Renewed partnership between the town of Orvault and Cabanes à doudous

Published on 21/05/2024 | La rédaction


On Monday April 29, 2024, the partnership agreement between the town of Orvault and the Cabanes à doudous association was renewed for a further three years. It provides for the association's crèche to receive advice and financial support.

The Cabanes à doudous association runs two childcare establishments in Orvault, Croquignoles and Comme 3 pommes, which together offer forty-nine collective childcare places. In total, Orvault offers around 200 collective childcare places.

Advice and support from the City

On April 29, 2024, the City renewed its partnership agreement with the association for a further three years. This partnership is reflected in a number of ways. The association's project is in line with the orientations and values of the City's educational and civic project: while respecting the association's autonomy, it provides advice and support to the directors in their day-to-day work.

They are invited to take part in regular meetings organized with the heads of municipal facilities, and in the annual pedagogical training day organized by the early childhood department. An analysis of the situation in 2023, carried out in partnership with the Caf, has highlighted the need to strengthen the City's financial support, in order to guarantee the association's long-term future.

Sustaining the associative model

The Town Council meeting of April 8 therefore decided to gradually increase the hourly subsidy rate over a three-year period. Despite the current financial constraints, we are fully committed to working alongside Cabanes à doudous to ensure the continued existence of this model of community crèche, which complements our municipal multi-care centers. Orvalt's families benefit from high-quality collective childcare in our region, in line with the guidelines and values set out in our "citizen and educational project".and civic values," emphasizes Yann Guillon, deputy delegate for children and education.

The associative model offers member families the opportunity to play an active role in the life of the crèche, and to become fully involved in their child's care project. As employers and managers of the structure, parents collectively guide the childcare project. Each parent can contribute his or her skills on a voluntary basis, for example, by helping to beautify the structure or maintain the garden. This collective dynamic also helps to strengthen social ties between parents.


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