France/ New hiking trails set up by the Découverte de Bocage ornais association

Published on 27/02/2024 | La rédaction


The Découverte de Bocage ornais association, in partnership with local communities, has created over 270 km of hiking trails. New circuits are added every year.

On Wednesday evening, the thirty-four members of the Découverte du Bocage ornais (DBO) association were invited to their general meeting, held at the Thérèse-Letinturier sociocultural center in La Ferté-Macé.s to their general meeting at the Thérèse-Letinturier socio-cultural center in La Ferté-Macé. Around 30 people attended, along with Guy Midy, deputy mayor, José Collado, departmental councillor, and Chantal Jourdan, Member of Parliament.

Every year, in conjunction with the town halls, we propose and develop new hiking trails (270 km today)," emphasizes association president Jean-Yves Tallois.

In 2023, La Ferté-Macé north and south

With the help of an audiovisual presentation, Jean-Yves Tallois outlined the actions planned for 2023. The most important action was the creation of two Ferté hiking trails, each around twenty kilometers long, with a vertical drop of around 250 m and over 70% on dirt roads.

The first is La Ferté-Macé nord, running as far as Beauvain. Return via Fimbrune and the lake. It is also possible to branch off towards the Lande-Forêt pond. The second is from La Ferté-Macé south, towards Rocher-Broutin, to the airfield and the Cour valley. Both routes use the voie verte at certain points.

The association also organized mycological days at La Chapelle-d'Andaine, and took part in the hiking festival at Joué-du-Bois, the associations forum at La Ferté-Macé and the Telethon. These events also attracted new members.

New circuits in 2024

The association plans to take part in these various events in 2024. The fête de la randonnée départementale will take place on Sunday May 26, in La Coulonche, with three circuits planned: in the morning, the Vieux-Moulin circuit (11 km); in the afternoon, the La Chapelle-d'Andaine circuit (7 km or a 5 km variant).

At 12.30 p.m., the new La Coulonche circuits will be inaugurated. Two other circuits will be completed: at Lonlay-le Grais and La Chapelle-des-Friches; and the botanical circuit at Beauvain, featuring hawthorn, oak, beech and blackthorn.


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