France/ Les Hauts d'Anjou. Twinning: German guests from Blindheim in May 2025

Published on 24/02/2024 | La rédaction


The twinning of the communes of Marigné, Cherré and Sœurdres with the Bavarian town of Blindheim already has a long history. It dates back to the early 1990s, with the formation of the Freu twinning committee (named after a stream) after contacts with the Mayenne Souabe committee, and the visit of the mayor of Blindheim in 1991.

The following year, the French delegation was invited to inaugurate the kindergarten and sports hall. The charter was signed in 2000. Since then, Franco-German exchanges have taken place every two years, with one host country alternating with the other. In 2025, it's the Germans' turn to come to France, from May 17 to 21.

On the agenda in 2024

In the meantime, the Freu committee is not sitting still. At the Annual General Meeting on February 17, Gérard Hostier, President of the committee, recalled the broad outlines for 2024: Finalize the village presentation kit by October; work in tandem with Blindheim on the six "Twinning of Tomorrow" workshops supported by the Franco-German Fonds Citoyen; raise the profile of the social resocial networks; prepare the inter-committee meeting from October 25 to 27 in Verdun, the soirées de l'étang in July, the apple fair on October 20, and the sauerkraut evening in Sœurdres on November 16.

Marion Fouin (Marigné) and Bérangère Dacosta (Champigné) join the board. Membership fees for 2024 are €10 for residents of Hauts d'Anjou, €15 for residents outside Hauts d'Anjou; in both cases, membership is free for children under 16.

Contact: Gérard Hostier, president, on 06 08 10 45 10.


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