France/ Ireland in the spotlight: the Plœmeur Twinning Choir to sing for St Patrick's Day

Published on 04/03/2024 | La rédaction


The Irish shamrock is in the spotlight as St. Patrick's Day approaches. This is a highlight for the Ploemeur (Morbihan) - Fermoy (Ireland) twinning committee, which is organizing a special evening on March 16, 2024.

The Ploemeur (Morbihan) - Fermoy (Ireland) twinning committee offers English language courses and various meetings and events with our Irish friends," explains committee president Bernadette Le Tenier. What sets our association apart from other twinning associations is our Twinning Choir! Not really a choir, nor a singing workshop, but rather a space/time where choristers get together to share a few hours of singing, accompanied by three musicians" On the program: sea shanties, of course, Irish and Breton songs, as well as French variety songs from all musical horizons.

The twinning committee is proposing a highlight around St. Patrick's Day, which will take place on Saturday March 16, 2024. During this plancha evening, hosted by the Ceili-Breizh group, the Twinning Choir will have the pleasure of performing a number of Irish songs.

And Olympics

This year, the Chœur is also planning to get involved in the Olympiades, proposing, in conjunction with the Twinning Committee, a large-scale song-quiz. The date of June 2 is envisaged for this event, which would take place in front of the Plœmeur church at 11:30 a.m.," explains the president. As the songs progress, we'll travel to different countries and continents. Questions in English about Olympic sports would appeal to your collective memory."

Saturday, March 16, 2024, 7pm, Salle Soleil d'Automne, Ploemeur, St. Patrick's Day party. Registration by Saturday March 9 with Marie-José on 02 97 80 89 51 or Marie-Lise on 06 73 71 16 88. Prices: members €22; outside members €25. Website:


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